Qilo Matzen
Location of Practice: Oakland, CA
Preferred Form of Contact: qilomatzen@gmail.com
Website: http://qilomatzen.massagetherapy.com
Qilo (“ky-lo”) (they/them; ze/hir) focuses on bodies in motion though dance, the Hendrickson Method®, and an early love of physics. After receiving a BFA in Dance in 2002, they studied Dynamic Embodiment – Somatic Movement Therapy and Swedish Massage through Moving on Center School for Participatory Arts and Somatic Research.
Drawn to the Hendrickson Method for its profound clarity and effectiveness, Qilo used a combination of HM and Pilates to recover from years of dance injuries and chronic fatigue. They graduated as a Hendrickson Method Therapist in 2014 and completed their teacher training in 2019. For 7 years Qilo worked with Tom Hendrickson at the Hendrickson Clinic in addition to their thriving private practice in North Oakland.
Along with a vibrant dance and choreographic practice, Qilo studies Bagua Zhang and Xing-yi with Maija Soderholm, rehabilitative pilates with paige starling sorvillo, and yoga with Ada Lusardi. Their anatomy and bodywork training comprises Embodiment in Education with Susan Bauer, Anatomy for Hendrickson Method with Bethany Drohmann and Dallas Everleth, and dissection courses with Jim Donak and Professora Em Segmen.
Qilo delights in teaching anatomy and kinesiology with paige starling sorvillo through their Articulate Anatomy series for HM students and the wider community, and loves connecting with students as a lead teacher at the Hendrickson Method Institute.